If you’re looking for an easy, NEW ONLINE BUSINESS TO START...
This Little-Known $3.4 Billion Dollar Industry Is Picking Up Steam In 2022 (And Could Give Everyday Folks Like You $5,000 To $20,000 A Month)...

It’s powered by a recent tweak in Federal Law that now makes it possible. All you have to do is send a simple letter, using the simple 3-step system I walk you through below... 

This Little-Known $3.4 Billion Dollar Industry Is Picking Up Steam In 2022
This Little-Known $3.4 Billion Dollar Industry Is Picking Up Steam In 2022 

It’s powered by a recent tweak in Federal Law that now makes it possible. All you have to do is send a simple letter, using the simple 3-step system I walk you through below... 

It’s powered by a recent tweak in Federal Law that now makes it possible. All you have to do is send a simple letter, using the simple 3-step system I walk you through below... 

Dear Reader,

What if I told you a tiny tweak to Federal Law just swung the door wide open for you to start a business from home with?

And all you had to do was send a simple one-page letter…

Would you think I’m crazy?

I get it...

Even I thought it’s a scam when I first heard about it.
If you'd like to create this new business from home... 

Using nothing but the device you’re on now...

In a moment, I’ll walk you through the letter – and the 3-step process – that makes it all possible. 

And look, I know your B.S. alarms go OFF when you hear stuff like this.

Everywhere you look, some guru is peddling a course, drop-shipping, MLM, affiliate marketing, or consulting...

But this, my friend is different because
Some are calling it the real “stimulus package.” 

Others say it’s a relief initiative.

Whatever you want to call it, the takeaway is this:
Because this little-known business was practically handed to us by our own government under Federal Law # 91 – 508.
Because this little-known business was practically handed to us by our own government under Federal Law # 91 – 508.

This Simple Letter I’m About To Reveal Solves A Burning Problem 110 Million Americans Battle On A Daily Basis

Which means the market is near-endless.

And even a complete beginner can turn this into a full-time income, if they wanted to. 

See, sending this letter doesn’t require a lot of experience...

You don’t need a website... 

You don’t need technical skills or a website…

Nor do you need to be a good writer (the letter practically writes itself with my plug and play templates). 

My countless success stories are proof that anyone can do this:
How are we doing this?

See, we’re Helping People Fix Their Credit Scores (No, You Don’t Need A Degree Or Any Experience) 

Let me explain: 

You probably know that everyone has a credit score.

You. Me. And everyone you know.

You likely also know that people with low credit scores pay higher interest rates, have more expensive insurance, and struggle to get loans.

That includes the mom-and-pop restaurant down the street... 

And the business owners who used to crush it before the pandemic hit…

But now, with their low credit scores, can’t stay afloat. 

What you might not know... however... is that with this little change in the Federal Law...

Anyone with a pair of eyes and a laptop can fix people’s credit scores…

It comes down to a simple letter, which I’ll walk you through the details of in a second. 

Because here’s the shocking truth:

What you might not know... however... is that with this little change in the Federal Law...
It comes down to a simple letter, which I’ll walk you through the details of in a second.

Because here’s the shocking truth:

8 Out of 10 People Have a Low Credit Score Because of Errors and Typos Made by Credit Bureaus

And That’s Why Federal Law # 91 – 508 Is Allowing Folks Like You and Me To Fix Them In Less Than 30 Minutes

It’s true. 

A study by the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups found that a whopping 79% of all credit reports contain some type of error that negatively affects that person’s credit score.

And That’s Why Federal Law # 91 – 508 Is Allowing
Folks Like You and Me To Fix Them

These are honest mistakes - typos, incorrect numbers, wrong names, etc. - made by people working at credit bureaus. 

These folks handle millions of credit reports at a time…

So, as you can imagine, mistakes happen. 

The problem is, they might not aware of these errors. 

There are simply too many to keep track of...

With not enough hands to fix it.

So, these errors go unnoticed unless someone (like you) points them out.

That’s why the Government created a special law to help with this:

It’s “LAW: 15 U.S.C. § 1681 - 1681x” -- Also Known as “Fair Credit Reporting Act”

It gives YOU the right to dispute any item on a credit report that’s incorrect. If they can’t verify it, it must be removed

All it takes is sending a one-page dispute letter to the bureau pointing out the mistake. 

(The same letter I’m about to give you templates and scrips for, so sending it as simple as “copy and paste.”)
If the bureau can’t verify these items, they will automatically be removed.

And that person’s credit score will immediately increase.

Remember: There Are More Than 110,000,000 Americans With Low Credit Scores

When you do that, the sky’s the limit:

It As Easy As 1-2-3 (Literally, Just Follow Along With Step 1 Here)

Step 1 is you need to find people with low credit scores. 

That’s first and foremost.

But again, these people are everywhere – 110 million folks are looking and need your help. 

In fact, in a moment, I’ll share how you can automate that process... 

So, you’re not stuck posting on social media to friends or asking complete strangers about their credit score.

(Trust me, no one wants to be that guy).

What’s really great is because you’ll have your prospects coming to you...

You won’t need to “sell” your services. 

There’s no convincing them of anything at all because their low credit is a problem that they deal with on a daily basis.

A problem that when you fix like how I’ll show you...

It can help someone save hundreds of thousands of dollars on their home loan, their car loan, or a business loan.

And here’s the thing: 

Realtors, mortgage brokers, and salespeople turn down potential clients every day due to terrible credit. 

That’s where you come in… 

Because if they can send these people to YOU... you get paid to repair their credit... then send them back to the salesperson.

It’s a WIN-WIN. 
That’s just one of the secrets to an endless flow of free referrals. 

I’ll reveal more below, so stick with me. 

There’s no ceiling. 

Now, Step 2 Is Where Things Get Really Interesting

Now, Step 2 Is Where Things Get Really Interesting

Now that you have the prospect…

The next step is spending 30 minutes looking at their credit report for any errors.

Errors that I’ll show you examples of, so you know what to look for. 

Now, once you find that error using my simple process, you simply send a letter to the credit bureaus, asking them to verify it. 

(And I’ll give you templates and scripts to copy-and-paste so the letter part is a breeze.)

From there, your job is done. 

Kick back and relax.

Because if the credit bureaus don’t respond within 45 days...

The error is automatically removed.

Poof, just like that!
That entire process, from end to end, usually takes about 60 minutes. 
I saved the best part for last...

Step 3 Is Just To Rinse And Repeat
This Exact Process!

Step 3 Is Just To Rinse And Repeat This Exact Process

With current demand being so HIGH and the actual work taking so LITTLE time, all you need to do is repeat the process over and over to make as much money as you can handle.

That’s right:

The Demand for Credit Repair Is Going to EXPLODE in 2022

Due to COVID-19 and millions of people losing jobs, the demand for our services is about to SKYROCKET.

A newly-released study by IPS News confirms that credit repair services are likely to experience tremendous growth in the near future:
So, if you’re looking for a business to start from home, I highly recommend this one! 

One where you can actually help people with a real problem that they’re having…

Now’s the perfect time to get started with credit repair.

Follow our journey on Instagram and social media to learn more!

All the best, 
Shawn Sharma
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